Keys of the Kingdom Holy Bible

The organic restoration of the original Scriptures
Translated by Christopher Sparkes


Keys of the Kingdom Holy Bible

Keys of the Kingdom Holy Bible

Keys of the Kingdom Holy Bible is the result of 25 years of intense research from multiple sources. Untouched from the bias of any religious assembly, it has meant the restoration of thousands of passages, including all major themes of the  prophets and apostles.

The new and highly developed ORGANIC translation method brings to magnificent light, for the first time in the English  language, the whole miracle of the Bible’s internal harmony, producing the richest fruits from the gardens of God.

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New 2024 Leather Edition of Keys of the Kingdom Holy Bible


KOTK Hardback


*  Many advanced textual enhancements of the ongoing translation work
*  Larger font than hardback
*  New preface of the advanced work, concerning divine structure, divine literary beauty and divine truth, and details of exciting advancements
*  OT and NT books all arranged according to the divine structure
*  The 13 dated prophecies of Ezekiel in proper chronological order, probably for the first time in any English translation


Christopher Sparkes

About the Translator

Christopher Sparkes was born in Birmingham in 1951, and lives in Hampshire, England. After lecturing in Higher and Further Education, he is now a free-lance educator. He has run writing groups, a folk and poetry club, and managed a trout fishery.

As well as being co-author of textbooks on writing and grammar, he has published poetry, short  fiction, academic essays, reviews and artwork. His other interests are cricket, trout fishing, cycling, oil painting, birdwatching, and playing the guitar and harmonica.

Other books by Christopher Sparkes

The Eonian Life Bible New Testament
The Study Companion to the Keys of the Kingdom Bible
Grammar without Groans
So you want to be a writer

Reviews of Keys of the Kingdom Bible

“The work you are doing is the most awesome gospel furtherance I know of”
NEIL FAVELL - Brisbane, Australia

“What can I say!? ... ABSOLUTELY OUTSTANDING! ... Such clarity ... so easy to read ... to understand ... it’s like I have a newfound love for the Word ... I know we walk by faith and not by our feelings ... but it’s as if my heart is being revived ... I’m reading because I want to ... not from duty or obligation!  ... it’s sparked something in me ... long-awaited for ... by the Grace of God ... blessings indeed to ALL those involved for this wonderful edition of God’s Word.”

“What a handsome looking book!”

“Your translation is being a blessing to many people.”

“I feel like someone who doesn’t really know anything about the Bible could be very knowledgeable quickly reading your translation and following the footnotes. They would correctly understand the Messiah and also God how it’s meant to be.”

“I started reading KTK last night, love it! So much easier to read and understand.”

“I feel privileged to be in conversation with the gentleman who will go down in history for single-handedly translating the Holy Bible into the English language, ensuring the accuracy and purity of the scriptures remain, whilst also making it easier for the layman to understand, and digest. Thank you.
    Now I’ve got goosebumps on my goosebumps!”

“Thank you, brother, I understand so much more. Things I questioned many years ago when I was saved and asked the church but they say I must just believe because some things are a mystery and I need not know ... God’s truth is not church manmade doctrine. God bless your Bible that it can reach many people.
This is truly the correct translation of God’s word. These days I cannot stand to read some of the bibles in the NT which are so mistranslated and misleading.”

“Praise God. Internally and organically consistent.”

“And every word you have prayed over for the purpose of bringing it to life in translation has life waiting to spring into its fullness. Well done good and faithful servant. You did a fine job.”

“I can hardly contain myself … I’m so excited. I feel like I’m being revived!
The irony of your name …. Sparkes … igniting the Word!!!! ... I can’t get enough ... it’s so easy to read ... I seemed to have somehow gotten a new lease of reading … with meaning and a the grace of God undoubtedly ... I’m sOOOOO blessed. ”

“Thank you for all the work you did in translating.”

“This translation is fantastic. Suddenly the miracle in John 9 makes sense.  For which I thank you.  Now I see.”

“His method is what he describes as ‘Organic’ as opposed to ‘Processed’; he even makes the analogy with organic and processed food.”


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