Keys of the Kingdom Holy Bible
- Keys of the Kingdom Holy Bible is the result of 25 years of intense research from multiple sources. Untouched from the bias of any religious assembly, it has meant the restoration of thousands of passages, including all major themes of the prophets and apostles. The new and highly developed ORGANIC translation method brings to magnificent light, for the first time
in the English language, the whole miracle of the Bible’s internal harmony, producing the richest fruits from the gardens of God - Old Testament books presented in the divinely authorised order, as preserved in Hebrew Bibles
- New Testament translated from the best-known available Greek text of Byzantine preservation, believed the most accurate record
- Many textual issues resolved
- ORGANIC translation method, imitating grammatical forms and literary styles of the original languages
- Outstanding clarity in God-honouring, refreshing, contemporary, and highly readable literary style
- Attractive design and layout, with efficient narrative paragraphing for prose sections, indented lineation for poetry sections
- Hebrew names and titles of God transliterated for their richness, with English equivalents in footnotes and a clear explanatory appendix
- Extended preface with overview of English translations; explanation of the ORGANIC translation method
- Enhanced study featuring subject headings for convenient search; over 4,300 footnotes with cross-references, sources, and explanations; eight appendices, illustrating the dynamic truth of the prophets and apostles of God and Christ

The organic restoration of the original Scriptures 
• Translated by Christopher Sparkes •
First Edition, 2021
About the translation
The galactic light-switches flicked on and blazed for me with glorious light the day it arose in my heart that I wanted to know the real messages of the prophets and apostles, rather than the orthodoxies I had accepted and that had been repeated for centuries.
In August 1997, with a fire inside me for the single extremely expensive pearl of one truth, and inspired by William Tyndale, also burning in my heart after I’d walked around Holy Island discussing him with a friend, I knew I had to make a translation to recover the buried truths of the prophets and apostles.
Over the 24 years since then, after many tens of thousands of hours labour and research, far more has become apparent than I dreamed of in my lakeside vision of 1997. I have restored much of the deliberate styles of the divinely-inspired oracles, reproducing phrases according to their grammatical forms and structures; internal harmonies of themes are recovered that have been long concealed in English translations; words and phrases are corrected that have never appeared properly in English; the books are arranged in their proper order, wrong works excluded. The effects of all these are illuminating. For the truth of God is “twenty hundred thousand times more joy” (Shakespeare) than the word of man.
Increasingly astounded and kept awake by all that I was discovering, I had to formulate strict translation codes, so that the bright-shining jewels of my findings could be justified, explained, and persuasive. These developed into my ORGANIC translation principles of Grammar, Internal Harmony, Logic, Research, Text. These stand as impregnable fortresses. The Research element reveals that much that is in this translation has been noted somewhere before, in lexicons, by expositors, or in works of less well-known translators, so that these recoveries of truth are, in fact, “the paths of old” (Jeremiah 6\16), brought at last together for the road to Zion. Nothing has ever really been lost, just buried by traditions of wayward orthodoxies.
The ORGANIC translation principles produce richer soils for life-giving fruits and crops. To my ORGANIC translation principles there could be added that of being constantly willing to be corrected, long and arduous labour, courage and patience. For Jesus said, “For who among you, wanting to build a tower, does not, having first sat down, calculate the expense, whether he has the things for completion?” (Luke 14\28).
As Tyndale made complaint of those who quenched the sparkle of the prophets, so might we make complaint of those who have doctored the language of angels. That there should be tampering with the silver syllables of the divine books, which millions have paid for with their lives, is the greatest scandal in literary history.
In Keys of the Kingdom Holy Bible translation, the paths of old are revived and brought to light once again. It is designed to make Bible reading clear, so that everything is made comprehensible for everybody, and without impediments of archaic language. Subject headings and footnotes and appendices provide guidance and explanations and elucidations, always in mind of giving the witness of God and making everything clear to everybody, especially new students of the word of God.
Keys of the Kingdom Holy Bible reveals the truth of the prophets and apostles which should be the only truth ever to have been broadcast.